Friday, October 06, 2006

Things to do at home to help you learn

Learning Tips

This is a list of different things you can do to
improve your English outside class.

1 Use the internet - How ?

a Find a site which is connected with your favourite
singer, band, movie star, team in English

b Write on the class blog. Post photos and other stuff.

c Set up your own blog (web page). It's easy and
costs nothing. Also it is a great way to practise
your writing skills.

2 Watch DVD's - without subtitles - at least once a
week. This is a great way of preparing for the the
listening test.

3 Read something other than your course books.
literature, short stories, magazines, newspapers,
comics; In fact just about anything you can find
in English.

4 Record yourself. If you have a cassette recorder,
mobile phone that can record or a microphone
for your PC, record yourself speaking. It's a
great way of correcting errors in your spoken

5 Speak only English in class. This is probably the
only chance you'll get to practice.

Nobody expects students to do all of these things
but if you try some of them during the course of the
year then you'll see a great improvment in your
language skills and of course you'll greatly increase
your chances of getting a good grade in the exams.


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